
Our expertise


Restructuring and Special Situations

LPALAW - Know-howRestructuring and Special Situations
Press release

Restructuring and Special Situations

Our multidisciplinary team, led by Julie Cittadini, who is in charge of the practice, brings together all the necessary expertise to address special situations.

We assist our French and international clients in managing crises, financial or operational restructurings, both in an amicable framework (ad hoc mandate / conciliation) and in a judicial framework (safeguard / recovery / liquidation).

Our team operates in the areas of M&A in industries and services, private equity, corporate law, business structuring, corporate restructuring, and acquisition financing.

Julie Cittadini is a board member of TMA France [Turnaround Management Association France] and a member of ARE [Association for the Restructuring of Companies].


  • Décideurs: Restructuring & insolvency – Directory of companies and shareholders – Small and Mid caps (Excellent)
  • Trophées du Droit: gold trophy in Collective proceedings and Restructuring Mid-Cap (2024)
  • Option Droit & Affaires:
    – Employment protection plan and related collective litigation (3 stars)
    – Collective proceedings
    – Difficulty prevention and debt renegotiation
  • IFLR1000 (France): Restructuring and insolvency