Private wealth management

Martine Blanck-Dap

Bérengère Roig

Nigel Hartridge

Virginie Martel

Pascaline Déchelette-Tolot

Sabrine Cazorla Reverre

Your estate is valuable. We undertake its planning and transfer.
We favour a comprehensive approach tailored to your needs. We assist you in planning and transferring your estate and resolving situations related to the legal and taxation aspects of managing your private and business assets.
With our expertise in inheritance laws and taxation, we can intervene at every stage of your estate’s development and transfer, whatever the form: joint ownership, asset-stripped rights, partnerships or companies, trusts, endowment funds.
Our team supports you in planning your estate and resolving conflicts both in France and abroad. We also work with the tax administration to resolve issues related to the taxation of your estate.
We represent our clients before the civil and criminal courts in the event of disputes regarding a family estate (joint ownership, division of property, disputes between partners), its transfer (protection of the forced heirs, provisional administrative measures for an estate or family business) or upon its taxation by the tax authorities (wealth tax, transfer fees). We strive to promote a search for out-of-court and negotiated settlements, where possible and in compliance with their interests
We advise our clients on the specific problems encountered in France on the interests they hold in fiduciary trusts under foreign law (trusts, foundations). We support them in creating a dedicated estate under French law according to their desired aims, such as artistic legacies or patronage (fiduciary estate, endowment funds).
We advise our clients in tax planning for their private estate and business assets, to anticipate their transfer and preservation. We also assist them when their life path involves international relocation, and we support them through changes to their centres of interest
We advise our clients in the use of life insurance as a tool for transfer or guarantee, participate in drafting the appropriate beneficiary clauses for their family and asset situation, and assist them with the civil and tax treatment of contracts at the time they are settled.
We intervene in the various stages of evolution of our clients’ estates, to resolve situations involving competing rights (capitalisation of usufruct, division of joint ownership) or to structure them so as to facilitate their transfer (creation of family partnerships, inter vivos and transgenerational gifts)
We help to resolve the legal and tax issues specific to settling complex international estates (application of private international law, protection of forced heirs and execution of wills, assessment of estate assets.)
From their creation to their dissolution, we support family businesses and their shareholders throughout the company’s life, including disputes regarding changes in governance, company securities transfers and the situations resulting from these (joint ownership, usufruct and bare owners of the shares, shareholder withdrawal, etc.)
We support executives with the legal and fiscal planning of their business assets, seeking appropriate solutions for the transfer of these to a family successor or outside buyer (family holdings, family buyout, etc.)
– Wealth tax (Excellent)
– Taxation of associations and non-profit organizations (Excellent)
– Commercial litigation (Excellent)
– Wealth tax: regulation and litigation