
Our expertise


M&A and Corporate law

LPALAW - Know-howM&A and Corporate law

Smart offers

Environmental aspects of mergers and acquisitions

Highly esteemed for its expertise – from the creation of data rooms, to the definition of a dedicated strategy, to environmental due diligence, to negotiating environmental clauses in all types of contracts – our team helps you complete and secure all technical and legal elements of your transactions.

Our China Desk in Paris

Our mergers and acquisitions team in Paris includes a “China Desk” composed of French and Chinese lawyers working hand in hand with our Shanghai and Hong Kong offices on matters related to China. This team in Paris team offers a useful support for European companies developing operations in China and is a key tool for Chinese companies wishing to invest in Europe and Africa.

Our Japan Desk in Paris

LPA Law is the sole French law firm established in Japan with a local team composed of lawyers qualified in France and Japan that has been based in Tokyo for many years. LPA Law avocats strengthened its ties with its Tokyo based office by launching a « Japan Desk » in Paris. The team dedicated to the « Japan Desk » in Paris also consists of lawyers qualified in France and Japan, and assists its Japanese and French clients on all their transactions, in France, Japan as well as abroad - as for all their operations in relation to Franco Japanese cooperation on the African Continent.

Renewable Energy - Infrastructure: a unique offer

Our team is one of the most active and well-known on the market for M&A transactions and financing in the renewable energy sector, with over 15 years of experience in this field. Every year, our firm works on dozens of legal due diligence, acquisition, sale, partnership, financing and refinancing transactions concerning renewable energy assets or other infrastructures, making it a key player in this business segment in France.

M&A, Technology and Innovation

Our teams have broad experience in M&A transactions involving advanced technologies, particularly in the context of transatlantic and Asian transactions. In particular, we have worked on transactions for the acquisition, sale and investment in companies specialising in communications and mobility solutions, software publishing, digital tools and media, data management technologies (big data, privacy, open data, etc.), the cyber security industry and/or compression and processing of video content.

Raphaël ChantelotPartnerParis

Raphaël Chantelot

Raphaël Chantelot
Arnaud DepierrefeuPartnerDubai

Arnaud Depierrefeu

Arnaud Depierrefeu
Ran HuPartnerParis

Ran Hu

Ran Hu
Hubert BazinPartnerShanghai

Hubert Bazin

Hubert Bazin
Sandra HundsdörferPartnerParis

Sandra Hundsdörfer

Sandra Hundsdörfer
Nicolas VanderchmittPartnerHong Kong

Nicolas Vanderchmitt

Nicolas Vanderchmitt
Nigel HartridgePartnerDubai

Nigel Hartridge

Nigel Hartridge
Fanny NguyenPartnerShanghai

Fanny Nguyen

Fanny Nguyen
Pascal MagesPartnerTokyo

Pascal Mages

Pascal Mages
Henrick EmeriauPartnerShanghai

Henrick Emeriau

Henrick Emeriau
Raphaële François-PoncetPartnerDubai

Raphaële François-Poncet

Raphaële François-Poncet
Stéphane ErardPartnerParis

Stéphane Erard

Stéphane Erard
Michael SamolPartnerParis

Michael Samol

Michael Samol
Dr. Leif Gösta GerlingPartnerFrankfurt

Dr. Leif Gösta Gerling

Dr. Leif Gösta Gerling
Marc VeuillotPartnerCasablanca

Marc Veuillot

Marc Veuillot
Dr. Gerhard SchwartzPartnerMunich

Dr. Gerhard Schwartz

Lazhar SahbaniPartnerDubai

Lazhar Sahbani

Lazhar Sahbani
Pierre MarlyPartnerParis

Pierre Marly

Pierre Marly
Sebastian BraunPartnerMunich

Sebastian Braun

Sebastian Braun
Christian SauerPartnerParis

Christian Sauer

Christian Sauer
Denis BacinaPartnerFrankfurt

Denis Bacina

Denis Bacina
Dr. Bernd SpiethPartnerMunich

Dr. Bernd Spieth

Dr. Bernd Spieth
Arnaud Bourrut-LacouturePartnerSingapore

Arnaud Bourrut-Lacouture

Arnaud Bourrut-Lacouture
Matthias KrämerPartnerFrankfurt

Matthias Krämer

Matthias Krämer
Julie CittadiniPartnerParis

Julie Cittadini

Julie Cittadini
Thomas SchrotbergerPartnerFrankfurt

Thomas Schrotberger

Thomas Schrotberger
Olivier KirfelPartnerMunich

Olivier Kirfel

Olivier Kirfel
Frédéric BaillyPartnerParis

Frédéric Bailly

Frédéric Bailly
Dr. Fabian TrossPartnerMunich

Dr. Fabian Tross

Dr. Fabian Tross
Dr. Andreas R. BittnerPartnerFrankfurt

Dr. Andreas R. Bittner

Dr. Andreas R. Bittner
Dr. Kay JessPartnerHamburg

Dr. Kay Jess

Dr. Kay Jess
Ghislaine LovetPartnerDouala/Yaoundé

Ghislaine Lovet

Ghislaine Lovet
Ayano KanezukaPartnerTokyo

Ayano Kanezuka

Ayano Kanezuka
Lionel VincentPartnerTokyo

Lionel Vincent

Lionel Vincent
Jean-Yves ToullecPartnerHong Kong

Jean-Yves Toullec

Jean-Yves Toullec
Bérengère RoigPartnerSingapore

Bérengère Roig

Bérengère Roig
Andreas FeuersteinPartnerMunich

Andreas Feuerstein

Andreas Feuerstein
Sébastien ThouvenotCounselParis

Sébastien Thouvenot

Sébastien Thouvenot
Andrea HilgardCounselFrankfurt

Andrea Hilgard

Andrea Hilgard
Maxime LabonneCounselParis

Maxime Labonne

Maxime Labonne
Michelle WongCounselParis

Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong
Marie-Gabrielle du BourblancCounselHong Kong

Marie-Gabrielle du Bourblanc

Marie-Gabrielle du Bourblanc
Bo HanCounselParis

Bo Han

Bo Han
François MetzCounselParis

François Metz

François Metz
Julie WeissCounselParis

Julie Weiss

Julie Weiss
Ina von Raven, LL.M (Cornell)CounselFrankfurt

Ina von Raven, LL.M (Cornell)

Ina von Raven, LL.M (Cornell)
Airi TozakiCounselParis

Airi Tozaki

Airi Tozaki
Jean MédecinOf counselTokyo

Jean Médecin

Jean Médecin
Nathalie Maier-Bridou, LL.M.Of counselFrankfurt

Nathalie Maier-Bridou, LL.M.

Nathalie Maier-Bridou, LL.M.
Dr. Arno Maier-Bridou, LL.M. (Cornell)Of counselFrankfurt

Dr. Arno Maier-Bridou, LL.M. (Cornell)

Dr. Arno Maier-Bridou, LL.M. (Cornell)
Chin Hiang WuOf counselSingapore

Chin Hiang Wu

Chin Hiang Wu
Meriem LaroussiOf counselDubai

Meriem Laroussi

Meriem Laroussi
LPA Singapore is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Of Counsel - LPA Singapore is pleased to announce the appointment of Chin Hiang Wu as Of Counsel LPA Singapore is pleased to announce the ... Our Shanghai office recognized by The Legal 500 in the Corporate and M&A foreign firms practice! - Our Shanghai office recognized by The Legal 500 in the Corporate and M&A foreign firms practice! Our LPA Shanghai office is ... Lawyer Monthly | Interview with Raphaël Chantelot and Mathieu Selva-Roudon about Vivalto Partners’ equity investment in Laboratoires Delbert - Lawyer Monthly | Interview with Raphaël Chantelot and Mathieu Selva-Roudon about Vivalto Partners’ equity investment in Laboratoires ... Our M&A practice and lawyers from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore recognized by IFLR1000 Asia Pacific 2023 guide! - Our M&A practice and lawyers from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore recognized by IFLR1000 Asia Pacific 2023 guide! Our 4 ... LPA-CGR avocats ranked again in the Chambers & Partners Europe Guide! - 17 March 2022 LPA-CGR avocats ranked again in the Chambers & Partners Europe Guide! Several of our practices and many lawyers ... LPA-CGR avocats again ranked in the Chambers Global Guide 2022 - LPA-CGR avocats again ranked in the Chambers Global Guide 2022 Our international expertise has again been recognized in the Chambers ... LPA-CGR strengthens its Hong Kong Tax and Corporate/M&A teams - LPA-CGR strengthens its Hong Kong Tax and Corporate/M&A teams with the arrival of Stéphanie Dodin and Camilla Venanzi Stéphanie ... LPA-CGR avocats again ranked in the Chambers Global Guide 2021 - LPA-CGR avocats again ranked in the Chambers Global Guide 2021 Our international expertise has again been recognized in the Chambers ... Best wishes for 2021 from LPA-CGR avocats -  Best wishes for 2021 from LPA-CGR avocats [video width="1920" height="1080" ... IFLR - China outbound Report | France: Land of opportunities - IFLR - China outbound Report | France: Land of opportunities France remains one of the most popular destinations for foreign direct ...
LPA Law recognised again in Legal 500 EMEA! - 26th March 2025 LPA Law recognised again in Legal 500 EMEA! LPA Law has once again been recognised in the 2025 edition of Legal 500 ... China Outbound Investment Guide | France takes the lead as the key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe - China Outbound Investment Guide | France takes the lead as the key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe Europe is the ... IFLR – China outbound Report | France maintains its role as a key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe - 9 June 2022 IFLR – China outbound Report | France maintains its role as a key jurisdiction for foreign investments in Europe Europe ... Laurence Simons Search | Sandra Hundsdörfer - Being Multi-Legal, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural is a Must-Have for Cross-Border Advice - Laurence Simons Search | Sandra Hundsdörfer - Being Multi-Legal, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural is a Must-Have for Cross-Border ... IFLR - China outbound Report | France: Land of opportunities - IFLR - China outbound Report | France: Land of opportunities France remains one of the most popular destinations for foreign direct ... LPA-CGR avocats is ranked again in the Global and Europe Chambers Guides - LPA-CGR avocats is ranked again in the Global and Europe Chambers Guides Many practices and individual lawyers have been ranked in the ... Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine | SMEC in M&A PE deals - SMEC in M&A PE deals A new tax "tool" is now available to buyers: reduced penalties are offered by a dedicated tax office in ... Qatar Business Law Review | Qatar’s new foreign investment law: a new regime relaxing foreign investment rules - Qatar Business Law Review | Qatar’s new foreign investment law: a new regime relaxing foreign investment rules Qatar’s new Foreign ... Sapin II law – First decision rendered by the Sanctions Commission of the French Anticorruption Agency - Sapin II law – First decision rendered by the Sanctions Commission of the French Anticorruption Agency on the control regarding ...
IBA Annual Conference 2023 in Paris - IBA Annual Conference 2023 in Paris The LPA-CGR avocats’ representatives will be attending the International Bar Association Annual ... What are the new business opportunities in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area ? - 10 octobre 2023 What are the new business opportunities in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area ? How French companies can tap into exciting ... Webinar: Tax and legal considerations of M&A in APAC 2023 - 24 May 2023 Webinar: Tax and legal considerations of M&A in APAC 2023 The Asia Pacific region has emerged as a prime destination for M&A ... Webinar - Current trends of the M&A Landscape in Asia: Keys to a successful M&A transaction - Webinar - Current trends of the M&A Landscape in Asia: Keys to a successful M&A transaction [Webinar] LPA-CGR avocats in Asia ... How to successfully invest in North Africa - Focus on Morocco & Algeria - 15 novembre 2022 How to successfully invest in North Africa - Focus on Morocco & Algeria At the 8th edition of the TICAD (Tokyo International ... Webinar Replay | Why and how to invest in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore? Latest trends and opportunities - Webinar Replay | Why and how to invest in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore? Latest trends and opportunities During our last ... Webinar | Why and how to invest in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore? Latest trends and opportunities - Webinar | Why and how to invest in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore? Latest trends and opportunities Well integrated into the ... Seminar Visa 4Biotech Japan, in partnership with GENOPOLE, CCIFJ, JETRO and INPI - Seminar Visa 4Biotech Japan, in partnership with GENOPOLE, CCIFJ, JETRO and INPI The Japan Desk of LPA-CGR Paris office was a speaker ... Recent trends in Chinese foreign investment rules, and their impact on M&A transactions - In March 2019, the National People's Congress (NPC) adopted the new Foreign Investment Law, which aims at replacing by early 2020 the ... Smart Event - Japan, Africa, France: The prospects for success - Japan, Africa, France: The prospects for success in partnership with the CCIJF WEDNESDAY 5th OF JULY FROM 18:30 TO 21:00 Open from ...
Press release
LPA Law advises GGW on strategic acquisition of Aélia Assurances Group to strengthen European aviation insurance market position - 3 march 2025 Paris, March 4th, 2025 LPA Law advises GGW on strategic acquisition of Aélia Assurances Group to strengthen European aviation ... LPA Law Hong Kong advised Viseo on its acquisition of TekID - 17 February 2025 LPA Law Hong Kong advised Viseo on its acquisition of TekID LPA Law Hong Kong advised VISEO group on its acquisition ... LPA Tokyo advised Ciel & Terre in the sale of 18.6 MWp floating solar portfolio in Japan - LPA Tokyo advised Ciel & Terre in the sale of 18.6 MWp floating solar portfolio in Japan LPA Tokyo advised Ciel & Terre, a ... LPA Hong Kong advised Altavia Group on its acquisition of ielo design - LPA Hong Kong advised Altavia Group on its acquisition of ielo design LPA Hong Kong advised Altavia Group, a leading independent and ... LPA Singapore advised Sunset Hospitality Group on its recent addition of Hotel Fort Canning Singapore - LPA Singapore advised Sunset Hospitality Group on its recent addition of Hotel Fort Canning Singapore LPA Singapore team advised ... LPA-CGR Hong Kong advised Alvest Equipment Services (AES) in the acquisition of a shareholding interest in CTAS Aviation Services Limited - LPA-CGR Hong Kong advised Alvest Equipment Services (AES) in the acquisition of a shareholding interest in CTAS Aviation Services ... LPA Singapore advised LECTRA on a strategic partnership with Six Atomic - LPA Singapore advised LECTRA on a strategic partnership with Six Atomic LPA Singapore advised LECTRA on its strategic partnership with ... LPA Singapore advised ELIS on the acquisition of Wonway Manufacturing - Singapore, 8th July 2024 8th July 2024 LPA Singapore advised ELIS on the acquisition of Wonway Manufacturing LPA Singapore advised ELIS on its recent ... LPA Singapore advised HAVAS on the acquisition of Klareco Communications - Singapore, 4th December 2023 LPA Singapore advised HAVAS on the acquisition of Klareco Communications LPA Singapore, part of LPA-CGR ... LPA Hong Kong and LPA Shanghai advised Altavia Group on the purchase of Sina Retail agency - LPA Hong Kong and LPA Shanghai advised Altavia Group on the purchase of Sina Retail agency LPA Hong Kong and LPA Shanghai advised ...

Our goal: supporting your development strategy

We advise companies and investment funds of all sizes and their executives in their M&A transactions, their restructurings and their governance.

Our team of some thirty lawyers works closely with the firm’s other legal experts, including in tax, labour, IP/IT, environment, banking and finance, energy and litigation. This allows us to offer a comprehensive assistance for all the legal issues you are facing in your projects.

Our offices in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, together with the members of our China and Japan Desks in Paris, extend our reach and enable us to assist our clients in their transactions in France and abroad.

Mergers and acquisitions
Partnerships and joint ventures
Corporate governance, corporate law
Private equity
Stock market transactions


  • Best Lawyers in France
  • Chambers Europe (France): Corporate/M&A: Mid-Market (Band 3)
  • Chambers Global (Germany): Corporate/M&A – Expertise based abroad (Spotlight)
  • Legal 500 EMEA (France): Mergers and acquisitions (Tier 6)
  • Décideurs:
    – Mergers & acquisitions: Transactions between €75 & €500 million (Excellent)
    – Mergers & acquisitions: Distressed M&A (Excellent)
    – Africa Desk – Corporate / M&A (Excellent)
  • Option Droit & Affaires:
    – Mergers and Acquisitions < 200 M€ (3 stars)
    – Capital innovation
    – LBOs between €50 million and €300 million
    – LBO – Advising management teams
  • IFLR1000 (France): Mergers & Acquisitions