Government and public policy

Smart offers
Strengthened since the entry into force of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in 2018, the protection of personal data is today an unavoidable and structuring subject for companies.
In order to ensure the proper application of this regulation, control or audit procedures carried out by CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) agents are multiplying. Fines for failure to comply with the GDPR can now amount to up to 4% of the worldwide turnover of the company concerned, regardless of its sector of activity. The financial stakes are colossal.
The multiplication of controls and the rise in administrative fines require that you be prepared and accompanied.
With extensive experience in data protection, a perfect knowledge of the workings of the CNIL and a thorough understanding of the possible appeals and administrative procedure, our teams specialising in personal data and public law combine their cutting-edge expertise to assist you, whether during inspections carried out by the CNIL or before the administrative courts in the context of appeals related to CNIL decisions.
Prudence Cadio I Hélène Cloëz
Working with you to invent smart cities
City habits are transformed by innovations in mobility, housing, data, services and energy.
It is up to us now to redesign the laws that go with them, to develop ingenious and sustainable cities that have their inhabitants at heart first and foremost.
Whether you are a promoter of public or private projects, we help you translate the new equilibrium that these changes to the regulations will bring about.
Ghislaine Lovet

Sébastien Thouvenot

Pauline Maurus

An operational and innovative vision for boosting your public sector projects
Since its creation, our firm has provided a large number of public sector operators, including the State, regional government and public institutions or enterprises with consultancy services. We deploy a project-oriented approach that takes into account the local specifics and challenges, the development of public policies and all regulatory constraints.
In this way, we systematically combine our expertise in public procurement contracts and public-private partnerships, town planning and the environment, information technologies, real estate and financing to support public sector operators in their infrastructure and property renovation projects.
The cutting-edge expertise we have developed in energy efficiency matters, in particular through our support of energy performance contracts and sustainable cities (‘Smart’ cities and eco-neighbourhoods), enables us to valuate their assets.
Our international network allows us to support foreign public entities in the places where they operate, in particular in the North African countries and in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Our wealth of expertise at the nexus of public law and property law is at your fingertips for valuating your property assets, providing support and advice in legal matters and litigation, through all stages of your public property operations. From in-depth knowledge of the real estate market and city planning authorisations (in the management of public projects) to purchase or signature of a lease, via negotiation and the drawing up of the contractual documentation. With our in-depth knowledge of the regulatory aspects of the project, we can secure and optimise your real estate operations.
Within the framework of the energy transition, we can help local authorities to manage and optimise their energy consumption, whether in the context of grouped electricity procurement contracts or in their investments, in particular through the deployment of their power production plants based on renewable energies or the setting in place of participatory financing mechanisms.
Moreover, for close to 20 years, we have been assisting key actors in this sector (SEM, delegating authorities or concession holders) in implementing and exploiting public heating and cooling networks.
The energy transition is a project that is transforming society, involving a reduction in the energy consumption of buildings. As regular interlocutors of the public authorities, we are committed to vigorously pursuing this project over the long term. We have developed cutting edge expertise in the contractual implementation of energy renovation projects for public buildings, whether used for residential purposes or for the tertiary sector. Through energy performance contracts (“CPE”) or other suitable vehicles, we organise the legal performance guarantees associated with these projects.
We act together with the State and regional government in their role as transport organiser authorities (AOT) and lend our support to public transport operators. Our knowledge of the sector and our transversal organisation allow us to intervene in infrastructure development operations.