Energy law

Smart offers
Committed for many years in energy transition and building renovation, we assist you on the emerging offsite construction market.
This trend towards industrialization, boosted by new forms of cooperation and by the spreading of digital technologies, is shaping the building of tomorrow. Components are remotely manufactured after having been specifically designed for efficient assembly on a building site, accelerating the construction process and reducing nuisances.
It is now time to secure the benefits and opportunities of these innovations created in the workshop from the collaboration between designers and producers. We need to allow funding from the beginning of the study phase for solutions that will support employment, circular economy and energy performance.
These new buildings will be progressively connected to send data, which will have to be processed adequately. The combination of our advanced expertise in real estate, energy performance, IP-IT and industrial contracts led us to draft new contract models ("CORELIAS") in order to meet the new challenges in a pragmatic way.
Marion Roquette-Pfister

Michael Grabau

Lionel Vincent

Ran Hu

Zineb Gaouane

Pauline Maurus

Pierre-François Racine

A fully integrated expert knowledge for your energy projects
Our firm has recognized expertise in the energy sector, with a cross-disciplinary and integrated approach to energy law and energy transition.
Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of market dynamics and current and regulations in force, we play an active role in the legal developments in this sector.
We offer you comprehensive support throughout the life cycle of your projects, from financing to development, construction and operation.
With the support of our international offices, we are able to assist you both in France and abroad, in both advisory and litigation capacities, covering legal aspects of your energy projects.
Development / construction
- Development, contractual and structural structuring
- Construction contracts / EPC
- Planning permission
- Environmental permits, ICPE
- Land ownership, leases, division into volumes, and domaniality
- Support schemes / State aid (obligation d’achat and complément de rémunération)
Investment / financing
- Project financing
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Joint Venture
- Restructuring
- Taxation
Operation / purchasing & sales
- Operation and maintenance
- Environment and ICPE
- Purchase and sale of energy, PPA, offtake contract, supply contract
- Individual and collective self-consumption (ACC / ACI / ACI-TI)
- Local energy communities (CER and CEC)
- Taxes by sector
- Pricing issues, energy taxation
- Relations with authorities, DGEC, ADEME, CRE control
- Connection, electricity transmission, relations with network operators (Enedis, RTE)
- Electricity trading
- Data management
- Competition
- Insurance
- Commercial litigation
- Consumer protection/energy ombudsman
- Assistance with tax audits / litigation
- Best Lawyers in France
- Chambers Europe (France): Projects & Energy : Domestic (Band 3)
- Legal 500 EMEA (France): Industry focus: Energy (Tier 2)
- Décideurs:
– Renewable energy law (Excellent)
– Energy: market regulation (Excellent)
– Local authority & mixed economy (Excellent)
– Market regulation (Excellent)
– Africa Desk – Natural ressources and renewable energies - Trophées du Droit:
– gold trophy in Renewable Energy Law (2023)
– gold trophy in Africa desk: Energy and Infrastructure (2023)