
Raphaël Chantelot

Marion Roquette-Pfister

Kosuke Oie

Sandra Hundsdörfer

Romain Berthon

Hélène Cloëz

Pascal Mages

Henrick Emeriau

Arnaud Depierrefeu

Michael Samol

Nicolas Vanderchmitt

Dr. Gerhard Schwartz

Lazhar Sahbani

Eleonora Sorribes

Jérémy Régade

Maximilian Amrhein

Christian Sauer

Zineb Gaouane

Olivier Kirfel

Ghislaine Lovet

Frédéric Bailly

Alexandre de Konn

Sidonie Fraîche-Dupeyrat

Florence Defradas

Prudence Cadio

Stephan Lesage-Mathieu

Michael Grabau

Géraldine Piedelièvre

Lionel Vincent

Bérengère Roig

Andreas Feuerstein

Silke Nadolni

Ran Hu

Julie Weiss

Pauline Dessevre

François Metz

Javed Allybokus

Pauline Maurus

Pierre-François Racine

Astrid Cippe

A guiding light for your energy transition
Whether you are a developer, manufacturer, investor or player in the energy and energy efficiency sector, our multidisciplinary team can help you understand the growing challenges, implications and opportunities associated with the energy transition and renewable and conventional energies.
We work alongside you, both as advisors and litigators, to meet your regulatory challenges and support your structuring projects. Our areas of expertise include energy law, public law, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, construction, environmental law, litigation, public-private partnerships (PPP), project financing, restructuring, real estate and taxation.
We provide tailor-made solutions to meet your specific needs and contribute to your success in this fast-changing sector. We operate both in in France and internationally (Africa, Germany, Asia).
Renewable and decarbonized energies
- Onshore wind turbines
- Offshore / floating wind turbines
- Solar, photovoltaic: ground/roof/shade/agrivoltaics
- Hydrogen
- Hydropower
- Biogas / Methanisation
- Cogeneration
- Biomass
- Geothermal
- Nuclear
Energy transition and performance
- Energy performance of buildings (new and renovation)
- Energy performance contract (CPE)
- Decree Tertiary / Decree Bacs
- RT2012/RE2020
- Environmental appendix
- Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE)
- Decarbonization projects (technological and natural), carbon credits
- Carbon quotas, regulated market
- Transition financing, energy saving certificates (CEE)
- Heating and cooling networks, energy grids, energy transport
- Waste heat and recovery
- Storage facilities and flexibility, batteries
- Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (IRVE)
Conventional energies
- Oil
- Gas
- Mining
- Best Lawyers in France
- Chambers Europe (France): Projects & Energy : Domestic (Band 3)
- Legal 500 EMEA (France): Industry focus: Energy (Tier 2)
- Décideurs:
– Renewable energy law (Excellent)
– Energy: market regulation (Excellent)
– Local authority & mixed economy (Excellent)
– Market regulation (Excellent)
– Africa Desk – Natural ressources and renewable energies - Trophées du Droit:
gold trophy in Renewable Energy Law (2023)
gold trophy in Africa desk: Energy and Infrastructure (2023)