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LPA-CGR avocats welcomes Joanna Pomian in newly created Chief Digital Officer position

Pursuant to its development strategy, LPA-CGR avocats is once again breaking new ground by welcoming Joanna Pomian to its newly created position of Chief Digital Officer, effectively designating the first Head of Digital Technology within a French law firm.

In line with its watchwords: collaborative, visionary, agile, LPA-CGR avocats is today firmly committed to its digital transformation, which will strengthen its value proposition, change the way its teams work and put the firm on the path of innovation.

Joanna Pomian joins the firm with an ambitious and impressive agenda lined up.  She will be tasked with identifying both internal and client-driven expectations and needs in terms of tools, particularly for sharing or for traceability, and assisting with their deployment. She will also be responsible for monitoring and anticipating major shifts in the legal profession, brought on principally, but not exclusively, by the development of artificial intelligence, as well as informing and engaging teams on these matters.

Joanna has extensive experience in the digital transformation of companies and organizations. For nearly 30 years, she has been managing large-scale projects for leading groups, within consulting firms or IT services companies. Passionate about the emergence of artificial intelligence, she has published several studies and works on this subject. With this distinguished background focused on understanding the challenges of digital technology, Joanna was motivated to join the firm by the partners’ desire to implement a true “task force” to resolutely advance such working methods and mindset and to map out a forward-thinking future for the firm.

Joanna notes: “After several years in which I served as a consultant to numerous companies in advising them on their digital transformation, I wanted to become involved in a project from 

inside the organization. This involvement at the heart of the company is for me an essential driver for success. Addressing both internal as well as client needs, focusing energies, training up the teams and creating the business and offerings over the coming years is a formidable challenge that entails full investment on a daily level today.

 With the business law firm market at a crossroads, the teams that comprise LPA-CGR avocats are once again distinguishing themselves in their awareness of the need to ask themselves the right questions and by affirming their desire to be truly involved in this transformation. I am delighted to join a firm that shows itself to be ahead of the curve and demonstrates its ability to reinvent itself every day.”


Martine Blanck Dap, Chair of the Management Board, adds: “We have been thinking about our digital transformation for several years. We have already made progress in certain areas and set up working groups. This first phase convinced us that we needed to take a truly ambitious approach.  That innovation was also about instilling a dynamic of change on a daily basis and communicating often about developments. This is why it was essential to us to create this role. Joanna brings with her her know-how in change management and both an expert vision and a fresh eye to our profession.


Professional Experience

  • 2013-2018: SQLI, Associate Partner, Digital Transformation and Governance
  • 2012-2013: Infosys, Senior Principal
  • 2007-2011: Sapientia conseil, Founder, Managing Director and Consultant
  • 1995-2006: Nemesia, Founder, Managing Director and Consultant
  • 1989-1995: CISI Ingenierie, Head of “Knowledge Management”


  • PhD:  “Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms” (Paris VI)
  • MASTER:  History and Civilization  (E.H.E.S.S)
  • MASTER : Applied Mathematics   (Paris V)

Publications (translated from the French)

  • 2006 « Réussir le management des connaissances », Editions Sapientia
  • 2002 « Management des connaissances et organisation du travail », Editions Sapientia,
  • 1996 « Mémoire d’entreprise », Editions Sapientia
  • 1992 « Intelligence artificielle » Presses Pocket