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Webinar | Why and how to invest in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore? Latest trends and opportunities

Well integrated into the World and its region, benefiting from a young and dynamic population and a thriving middle class, Vietnam offers thrilling investment opportunities and is expected to gain significant outcome from recent trade deals and the US-China trade war.

  • Exploring the new opportunities, Vietnam offers significant opportunities
    •  Supply chain relocation & Logistics
    •  Renewables and energy infrastructures
    •  A vibrant stock market despite existing flaws
  • Law and practice of investing in Vietnam: Recent legal development
    •  The new paradigm of the 2020 Law on Investment
    •  The 2020 Law on Enterprises and its implications for foreign investors
    •  Key laws and regulations recently promulgated
  • International perspectives: advantages of structuring investments in Vietnam from Hong Kong and Singapore
    •  Legal, financial and tax considerations on structuring investments to Vietnam from Hong Kong or Singapore.


  • Nicolas Vanderchmitt, Partner and head of Hong Kong office, LPA-CGR avocats
  • Arnaud Bourrut-Lacouture, Partner and head of Singapore office, LPA-CGR avocats & LPA Singapore
  • Nicolas Audier, Managing Partner, Audier & Partners Vietnam LLC
  • Etienne Laumonier, Partner, Audier & Partners Vietnam LLC

Date : Monday, November, 16
– From 10:00 to 11:30 (for France)
– From 16:00 to 17:30 (for Vietnam)
– From 17:00 to 18:30 (for Hong Kong and Singapore)

Registration : click here.
Webinar in English.