
Vincent Sol

Hélène Cloëz

Frédérique Chaillou

Anne Delorme

Aurélie Dauger

Public and administrative law


Real Estate transactions and asset management

Supporting your industrial (re-)development projects
The France reindustrialization is announced as an objective of COVID-19’s exit from the crisis to improve autonomy in strategic sectors and promote job creation. To enable our clients to seize opportunities for the development or redevelopment of industrial sites, we have a unique integrated team with all the necessary skills in environmental, urban planning and construction law to support the success of all projects.
- Planning permission
- Accompanying your industrial (re-)development projects with the environmental authorities
- Construction and building sites
The deployment of new real estate activities in France requires obtaining planning permission. New ways of living, working and travelling will also lead to urban replanning and the development of reversible uses to better adapt and live the City.
Our specialized team will be able to help its clients identify the constraints weighing on their projects and find the tools and opportunities to make them a reality. It will be able to assist them with the authorities in charge of urban planning to determine the best strategies to obtain authorisations and to develop urban planning documents if necessary.
Accompanying industrial (re-)development projects with the environmental authorities
The end of the health crisis of COVID-19 will bring opportunities for recovery, redevelopment and creation of new industrial sites in France, sources of employment and autonomy in strategic sectors.
Our team of experienced lawyers, including a former Inspector of Regulated Facilities, masters all the constraints arising from environmental law for these industrial projects, in terms of environmental permits (creation and modifications), technological, industrial and sanitary risks and polluted sites and soils. Team will be able to provide clients with its expertise, its operational vision and its knowledge of the administration in order to carry out their projects in the shortest time and under the best conditions.
Frédérique Chaillou | Vincent Sol | Anne Delorme
Construction and building sites
Our specialized team, which is very involved in crisis management related to COVID-19 on the worksites of its clients, can support them in their industrial projects in France by providing them with a view integrating the new sanitary constraints, the inevitable consideration of which will impact future worksites, from a contractual and financial point of view.
Maintaining the recommendations of the OTPBTP Guide of April 2020 as well as the distribution of the new charges on the different actors requires a detailed legal reflection to allow the best arbitrations.
Our legal support will allow our clients to determine the best construction of the contractual documentation and of the price for the works, for the success of their building sites.