Digitalisation to support the activity

Alexandre de Konn

Prudence Cadio

Romain Viret

IP - Technologien - Data



Gesundheit – Life Sciences

Technologien – Medien – Telekommunikation




Vermögende Privatpersonen


The crisis, a catalyst for dematerialization and digitalization
The health crisis is leading companies to rethink their business remotely: company reorganization, innovation in the exercise of business via digital tools. These new approaches lead to implementing a new technological tools, to improve the IT infrastructures to ensure the continuity of remote exercise.
- Digitalising the business: improving your IS and new tools: contract drafting, advice and negotiation
- Remote performance and data: how to manage performance, data and DPM compliance?
- Protecting of your information system, the cybercrime issue
- Digitize your business to gain efficiency
Digitalising the business: improving your IS and new tools: contract drafting, advice and negotiation
Initiating or improving digitization requires the acquisition of new tools or the renegotiation of the volumes or performance of existing tools.
We support our clients in all contracts related to their IT infrastructure, acquisition, licensing, creation of new digital tools (hardware and software). We draft and negotiate all contracts related to the digitalisation or dematerialisation of their activities (in-house, HR, financial services, ERP, CRM, or core business).
We assist them in their digital transformation (legal security of their transformation projects, review of AOs, drafting of AMOA, negotiation of supplier contracts, implementation of e-commerce, remote contractualisation solutions, etc).
Remote performance and data: how to manage performance, data and DPM compliance?
Practicing remotely, whatever the field of expertise, requires the ability to assess the degree of employee performance. This essential cursor implies being able to effectively measure the performance of its employees, collaborators and the return satisfaction of services. These internal and external performance evaluations are accompanied in most cases by the processing of personal data, new and unprecedented for the company.
We support our clients in the implementation of these processes regarding the GDPR, and sector practices (audit, drafting of information, processes, defence before the CNIL, the French data protection authority).
Protecting of your information system, the cybercrime issue
Conducting the business remotely via the Internet, in a digital world, leads the company to protect itself upstream and downstream against cybercrime (identity theft, phishing, data theft, etc…).
Structuring the contractual scheme to improve the robustness of the IS, negotiating insurance policies or assistance in court, we accompany our clients through all the steps to protect and defend them in case of crime.
Prudence Cadio | Romain Viret | Alexandre de Konn
Digitize your business to gain efficiency
The Legal Departments are speeding up their adaptation to teleworking, without impairing their efficiency. To do so, they must:
- identify priorities,
- build their roadmap,
- dialogue with the IT department to choose solutions that are compatible with the company’s IS and meet the needs of the business.
We master and understand their business challenges and we know perfectly the tools that can respond to these challenges. We support our clients at every stage of identifying their needs, building their roadmap and drafting their contractual documents.